W E L C O M E !

Molly Smith from 'MollyMinute' got me thinking,
"This would be a cool way to share my shooting experience with other aspiring Juniors, and kind of document my journey throughout my shooting adventure. Hence "Rachael's Revolver Adventures(:". I hope you like what you see. I really have no clue what I'm doing quite yet, so advice and things you want to see would be helpful. Just leave me a message and I'll do my very best(:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2010 IRC

tomorrow, 6-3-10, the family is heading onto the road and driving down to Morro Bay California to attend the 19th Annual Smith&Wesson International Revolver Championships (IRC).
I was accepted onto the Smith&Wesson team to shoot along side with some of the best such as;
-John B.
-Jerry M.
-& M A N Y more(:
I am super excited to be apart of this event. Pictures and Video will be posted shortly after!


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